et’s get straight to it: for many consumers, goose and duck foie gras have a questionable reputation. As seasoned professionals in the field, we know all too well where that reputation comes from. However, we have always chosen a different path when it comes to breeding the animals that supply us with high-quality foie gras.
A breeding philosophy that makes all the difference
We believe that respect for the animals is the cornerstone of what we do. Without it, our end product would be worth nothing. Pure flavour can only come from compassionate breeding, with genuine care for the geese and ducks.
Our mission is clear: to provide our clients with the most delicious goose and duck foie gras on the market, without jeopardizing the health or well being of the animals used in the process. But how exactly do we achieve that goal?
1. Choosing suppliers, breeders and abattoirs wisely
Since our beginnings in 1994, NIVO-Finess’ has always meticulously selected its partners. We have always preferred small-scale farmers who only raise small flocks of geese. Our farmers hold no more than 150 animals at once, so that they can breed them with the right amount of care.
The animals are fed by the same two people at all times, taking turns.
2. Ensuring a life of care and wellbeing
Every single goose that is bred for NIVO-Finess’ products is a free-range animal. The geese all have sufficient quality space for grazing and exercising.At night, they are kept in large stables to protect them from predators. When the weather conditions are harsh, they are also kept indoors.
Four to six months into the breeding process, the animals are shipped to small-scale farms, where they stay in stables with chopped straw for 19 to 21days. These stables are divided into compartments, each housing no more than ten geese at a time. The animals are taken several times a day to be tube fed, after which they waggle back to their stable on their own.
3. Applying harmless feeding techniques and providing premium nutrition
Now, let’s talktube feeding. Force-feeding has never been a part of NIVO-Finess’ approach. The techniques applied in our breeding process use the geese’s own digestive system. The nutrition is administered through a flexible hose that inflicts no internal injuries whatsoever. The farmers take the necessary time to organize these feeding moments, so that the animals experience no discomfort or additional stress.
4. A smart way of working
Several techniques facilitate our compassionate way of working and ensure the quality of our end product – the small-scale farms and harmless feeding techniques, for instance. However there are other factors that may seem like details, but are crucial to the way NIVO-Finess’ achieves high-quality foie gras.
- The amount of nutrition (top-class corn varieties) is gradually increased over the course of the goose’s lifecycle. We start off with small amounts that are fit for the animals’ size and digestive system.
- The geese live on solid soil throughout their entire life, and not in cages at working height that only serve the comfort of the breeders.
- The fattening process is stopped in time, to keep the livers limited in size. This supports the wellbeing of the animals, but also enhances the taste and quality of the end product.
Want to taste the foie gras produced thanks to this unique breeding philosophy? Contact NIVO-Finess’ today!